Elide 1.0.0-alpha11 Help

CLI Reference

Elide supports multiple sub-commands, similar to Git or Bun.



elide [OPTIONS] or: elide info|help|discord|bug... [OPTIONS] or: elide srcfile.<js|py|rb|kt|java|wasm|...> [OPTIONS] or: elide js|kt|jvm|python|ruby|wasm|node|deno [OPTIONS] [FILE] or: elide run|repl|serve [OPTIONS] [FILE] or: elide run|repl|serve [OPTIONS] [--code CODE] or: elide run|repl [OPTIONS] or: elide run|repl --js [OPTIONS] or: elide run|repl --language=[JS] [OPTIONS] [FILE] or: elide run|repl --languages=[JS,PYTHON,...] [OPTIONS] [FILE]

Runner Commands

run, r, repl

Run a script file or a snippet of code; if no code is given, start an interactive REPL session. Elide will select an appropriate language if given a clearly identifiable source file (Python for .py, Ruby for .rb, etc.).


Alias to run a server in any language; Elide will block until the server exits.


Alias to run some Python. Equivalent to elide run --python ....


Alias to run some Ruby. Equivalent to elide run --ruby ....


Opens a file. Equivalent to elide run --javascript .... Note that JavaScript is the default language engine.

Utility Commands


Show info about the current installation of Elide.


Open an invite to Elide's Discord server.


Show documentation on various topics.

bug, issue

File an issue or a feature request for Elide.


Upgrade Elide to the latest version in-place.

Global Options

Describe what each option is used for:

-h, --help

Show help text for any command.

-v, --version

Show the installed version of Elide and exit.


Activate verbose logging.

-d, --debug

Activate debug logging. Caution: Debug-level logging can be very verbose.

Last modified: 11 May 2024