Elide 1.0.0-alpha13 Help


Elide sets up on your machine similar to Node or Python. Use the directions below to install Elide.

System Requirements

Elide supports Linux and macOS. Windows support is coming soon but is currently considered experimental:






amd64, aarch64



amd64, aarch64


Limited support for certain features, see macOS Limitations




Reach out for install instructions

Installing Elide

curl -sSL --tlsv1.2 elide.sh | bash -s -

The installer script can take options:

curl -sSL --tlsv1.2 elide.sh | bash -s - --help

Install with a Package Manager

  1. Start typing and select a procedure type from the completion suggestions:

    completion suggestions for procedure
  2. Press Tab or Enter to insert the markup.

Manual Binary Installation

  1. Start typing and select a procedure type from the completion suggestions:

    completion suggestions for procedure
  2. Press Tab or Enter to insert the markup.

Manual Binary Installation

  1. Start typing and select a procedure type from the completion suggestions:

    completion suggestions for procedure
  2. Press Tab or Enter to insert the markup.

Testing your installation of Elide

  1. Make sure Elide is on your PATH

    > which elide /some/path/to/elide
  2. Run --help:

    > elide --help /some/path/to/elide
    Help output from the Elide binary
  3. Run Elide's built-in self-tests:

    > elide selftest
    Self-test output from the Elide binary

    Notes about Elide's self-test suite:

    • The first time you run `selftest`, it may take longer as native libraries are unpacked.

    • The self-test suite runs code in every supported language

    • Elide should warm up after a few runs of `selftest`

    • At full warm-up, all tests should complete in less than half a second (500ms)


Follow the steps below if you're having trouble installing Elide:

  1. Make sure Elide is on your PATH

    > which elide /some/path/to/elide
  2. Make sure you have the right binary for your OS and architecture

    > file `which elide` /some/path/to/elide: Mach-O 64-bit executable arm64

    Note that on Linux you should see an ELF binary.

  3. Make sure you can run `elide --help` and `elide selftest` (see above)

Container Images

Elide ships as container images, too. You can use Elide from Docker:

docker run --rm -it ghcr.io/elide-dev/elide

Known Limitations

On certain OS or OS/arch pairs, Elide may not have full support for every feature. Consult the sections below for the operating system and architecture you want to use.

Limitations on macOS

Certain features are not supported on macOS yet:

  • G1 garbage collector is not supported: On macOS, the serial collector is used instead. This is fine for development but less suitable for production use. This limitation is expected to change eventually.

  • Espresso (JVM) is not supported: At this time there are no native libs available upstream for Espresso on macOS. Espresso (Java on Truffle) is experimental and this limitation is expected to change eventually.

Framework Installation

To use Elide as a JVM framework, see the Elide Framework docs. Generally speaking, library modules are installed as Maven dependencies.

Last modified: 16 May 2024